*I just love this picture :*
I wanna wrote about My becoming Anniversary! Ting tang ting tang, 9 months and still counting. Hi Ayang, I love you so much eventhough I've never show you that im loving but one day you'll know how much I love you. Trust me!
I just wanna tell you that everyday, everytime and everysecond I'll miss you! I've never tell you that imissyou but in my heart just only you. Seriously!
Nah 2 days to go! And I cant wait. Our Anniversary. But we'll not go anywhere cause you need to concetrate on your examinations, SPM! Goodluck Honey. Wish you do the best hope you'll makes me and your family proud of you! Bagi result GEMPAK k Ayang
Whatever is it, I always love you with all my heart! And I mean it. I'll never leave you before you leave me! Take a note.