Assalamualaikum. Hi Everybody. Have a nice day :) On Sunday, My friends and I going to Fatyn's. Had "DOA SELAMAT" Neway, I just wearing T-shirt with jeans. "SALAH TEMA" Lol its up to me lol. Haha.

At first, I just I dont know wannna go to Fatyn's or not cause I have no transport at all. Then Syakir was texting me and asked me did I wanna go to Fatyn's. And I replied, yes sure. And I asked him for pick up me. And he said, okay then :) 

At 1.30 I already with my pink shirt, Kak Ju's shawl and black jeans (Uzair's Fav) Just a few minutes, Ween texting me "Hey, Im on my way" I just replied, "Okay" And at 1.54pm she's arrived at my Momma's house with her boyfriend, Syakir Aaron. Oh I meant Syakir Harun. *Kidding* 

When arrived at Fatyn's, I've called Fatyn and said, "Hey we've arrived, please come out and pick up us." Then she go out with her Yellow's kurung and her Camera. 

There our picture. ENJOY!


 Messy max, I just love him
Max with his Father. Charlie. GO GO GO Atom's Robot!

At night, I going to watching movie with my Brother and his wife.. Watching Real Steel. Its really really AWESOME. Im serious :O For those havent watch yet, you must watch it! Damn im started to love ROBOT! Atom's Robot. And Max really cute kids ;) Love yaaaa